Math Student app
The consumes math functions exposed by MathTutor app.
You need to run the math tutor app [ NodeJS, Python, .NET].If you run multiple instances of math tutor app, dataBridges will automatically load-balance the rpc.function calls.
The uses dataBridges RPC (call-response), functionality.
- Unary RPC: the client sends a single request and receives a single response.
- Server streaming RPC: the client sends a single request and in return, the server sends a stream of messages.
The student app will be consuming 2 Unary RPC functions :-> add, multiple. The student app will consume a single server streaming RPC function :-> AllMathFunctions and will receive 4 math operations reply.
We will be using databridges-io/lib.ios.sio.client in student app.
Before trying this sample, follow the Setup and initialization . For more information, see the Channels Pub/Sub API reference documentation.
Download source
Download the math_student_app by clicking on this link
To add databridges-io/lib.ios.sio.client package dependency to your XCode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter repository URL
. You can also navigate to your target’s General pane, and in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section, click the + button, select Add Other, and choose Add Package Dependency.
In XCode's Project navigator, the Swift Package Dependencies section shows the newly added package dependency. Click the disclosure triangle to view the contents of the package as it exists locally on your Mac.
Create a class inside Shared
folder and name it as math_student_app
, this will create math_student_app.swift
Copy paste below code and you are ready to run this example.
The consumes math functions exposed by MathTutor app.
The uses dataBridges RPC (call-response), functionality.
You need to run the math tutor app [ NodeJS, Python, .NET].
If you run multiple instances of math tutor app, dataBridges will automatically load-balance the rpc.function calls.
dataBridges supports 2 types of RPC interactions
Unary RPC: the client sends a request and receives a single response.
Server streaming RPC: the client sends a request and in return, the receives multiple responses.
The student app will be consuming 2 Unary RPC functions :-> add, multiple
consume a single server streaming RPC function :-> AllMathFunctions
and will receive 4 math operations reply.
We will be using databridges_sio_swift_client in student app.
import Foundation
// Include dataBridges client library package
import databridges_sio_swift_client
public class math_student_app {
// Initialize dataBridges client
public var dbridge:databridges_sio_swift_client = databridges_sio_swift_client()
public var mlog:logger?=nil
public var mathFunctions:RpcClient?=nil;
init() {}
public func randomString(of length: Int) -> String {
let letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
var s = ""
for _ in 0 ..< length {
return s
public func Execute() {
// Replace your application key below, which you have received from dataBridges management portal.
dbridge.appkey = "____appKey______";
// Replace your authentication url below, which you have received from dataBridges management portal.
// example
dbridge.auth_url = "_____URL_____";
try? self.dbridge.connectionstate?.bind("connected", { (event: Any) in
print("Connected to dataBridges real-time network !!!: \(String(describing: self.dbridge.sessionid))")
// We need to inform dataBridges network that the app want to consume 'mathTutor's functions.
self.mathFunctions = try self.dbridge.rpc?.connect("MathTutor")
}catch {
// Connect errors will be handled here.
let db = error as? dBError
print("Connecting to MathTutor RPC server faced an exception : \(db?.source) \(db?.code) \(db?.message)")
if (self.mathFunctions != nil){
// We will bind to rpc server connection success event. On success, we will call remote functions.
try? self.mathFunctions?.bind("dbridges:rpc.server.connect.success", { (event: Any , metadata: Any) in
print("dataBridges granted access to MathTutor RPC server")
if((self.mathFunctions?.isOnline()) != nil){
var theJSONText:String = ""
// Create Random numbers for "a" and "b"
let param = ["a": Double.random(in: 0.0...1.0)*100+1 , "b": Double.random(in: 0.0...1.0)*100+1]
if let theJSONData = try?
withJSONObject: param,
options: .prettyPrinted
theJSONText = String(data: theJSONData,
encoding: .ascii)!
// Unary RPC: The client sends a single request and receives a single response.
self.mathFunctions?.call("add", theJSONText, 10000, { (response: Any) in })
.done{ (response: Any) in
// Last Response will be received here.
print("Received response for : \(response as! String)")
}.catch {(error:Any) in
// Catch exception for .call
let db = error as? dBError
print("Error was encountered while executing : \(db?.source) \(db?.code) \(db?.message)")
// Unary RPC: The client sends a single request and receives a single response.
self.mathFunctions?.call("multiply", theJSONText, 10000, { (response: Any) in})
.done{ (response: Any) in
print("Received response for : \(response as! String)")
}.catch {(error:Any) in
// Catch exception for .call
let db = error as? dBError
print("Error was encountered while executing : \(db?.source) \(db?.code) \(db?.message)")
// Server streaming RPC: the client sends a request and in return, the receives multiple responses.
self.mathFunctions?.call("AllMathFunction", theJSONText, 10000, { (response: Any) in
print("Received response for : \(response as! String)")
}).done{ (response: Any) in
print("FINAL response for : \(response as! String)")
}.catch {(error:Any) in
// Catch exception for .call
let db = error as? dBError
print("Error was encountered while executing : \(db?.source) \(db?.code) \(db?.message)")
// Bind to event to understand if any issues in Math Server Connection.
try? self.mathFunctions?.bind("", {(event: Any ,metadata: Any) in
let db = event as? dBError
print("MathTutor RPC server faced an issue : \(db?.source) \(db?.code) \(db?.message)")
// Bind to disconnected event, to get intimation about dataBridges network disconnection.
try? self.dbridge.connectionstate?.bind("disconnected", { (event: Any) in
print("Disconnected from dataBridges real-time network")
// Connect to dataBridges. If any runtime error it will be caught in catch().
try self.dbridge.connect()
}catch {
let db = error as? dBError
print("dataBridges Connection exception.. \(db?.source) \(db?.code) \(db?.message)")
Save your file and build your project in Release or Debug mode to test.