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How to access in dataBridges dashboard?

You can access dataBridges dashboard by navigating to

How to register in dataBridges dashboard?

If you do not have an account with us You can register using Registration Link . Provide Email Address, Password and Agree to Terms and Condition to proceed. Once successful you will receive mail to activate your account.

How to login to dataBridges dashboard?

Navigate to Login Page. If you have already registered enter your credentials and click Log In If you do not have an account with us, Register using Not yet registered? link.

Understand the dashboard.

You will be navigated to dashboard once your authentication is successful. This is the place where you can manage all your applications and keys.
Profile Menu : Manage Profile options available in this menu.
Network List : Allocated Cluster list for your profile.
Application List : List of all application created under Network [2].
Add Application : Add new Application under Network [2]
Show Authentication endpoint : Authentication endpoints to be used with library for this Network [2].
Application Manage Options : Manage selected application using this menu.
Copy Key to clipboard : Copy application Key to clipboard to be used with library.
Copy Secret to clipboard : Copy application Secret to clipboard to be used with library.
Application Key Manage Options : Manage application key using this menu.
Profile and Selection Details : Footer showing details of Profile and Selections on dashboard.

Where do i get authentication url to be used with the libary?

On Dashboard, click on Show Authentication endpoint to view Server and Client library endpoint to be used with the library.

How to create an application?

Select Add Application against a network to create an application.
You need to enter Application Name and press Add to create an application.

What are default keys for an application?

When an application is created, dataBridges creates one server and one client key by default for your application. If you want to add more keys you can use Add Key option against the application.

How to Add key for an application?

Select "Add Key" from the menu against an application.
To Add client key, Select Key Type as Client. For client key you will have 2 additional options where you can select the type of access associated with this key.
You can enable or disable whether to allow apps using this key to publish messages to public channels. There are many use cases, where we need the apps to only receive channel.event messages and not have access to publish / send message(s) to channels.
You can enable or disable to allow apps using this key to access RPC functions.
To Add server key, Select Key Type as Server.

How to Update key properties for an application?

Against a key you have options to edit,refresh key secret or disable a key.
Select "Edit" to edit properties of the key.
Note : you cannot change Key Type of any key.
You can enable or disable whether to allow apps using this key to publish messages to public channels. There are many use cases, where we need the apps to only receive channel.event messages and not have access to publish / send message(s) to channels.
You can enable or disable to allow apps using this key to access RPC functions.
You can update friendly name for the key with this option.

How to refresh a key secret for an application?

There are times when you want to refresh the key "Secret". You can use "Refresh Key Secret" option for doing this.

How to disable key for an application?

If ever you want to disable a key which is not in use or lost, you can do it by selecting "Disable Key" option against the Key.

How to manage your dashboard profile?

Manage your profile can be done from "Profile" menu
Manage your login password by selecting "Change Password" from the right corner profile menu.
Manage your username and email address by selecting "Update Profile" from the right corner profile menu.
Disable your account by selecting "Disable Account" from the right corner profile menu.